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Understanding RIDDOR is imperative if you are responsible for health and safety in your workplace. You need to understand what RIDDOR is and what is RIDDOR reportable in order to comply with your legal obligations. Not reporting a RIDDOR reportable incident, could not only lead to further incidents occurring with serious consequences, but is also a criminal offence so courts can impose a fine or even imprisonment.

What is RIDDOR?

RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.

‘It puts duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises (the Responsible Person) to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences.’ This is a legal requirement in the UK.

(Source HSE: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences RIDDOR (hse.gov.uk)

What is RIDDOR reportable?

Most organisations aim to create a safe working environment for all, but sometimes incidents happen and they are very serious.

Any work-related fatality, any work-related injury or illness that results in loss of consciousness, days away from work or restricted work, or transfer to another job. Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical treatment beyond first aid  needs to be reported.

Types of reportable injuries.

Death – Any death of a person whether that be a worker or non-worker if occurred on-site, with the exception, of suicides. Also, if death is the result of a work-related accident, or act of physical violence.

Major injuries – includes fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes, amputations, loss of sight whether temporary or permanent, serious burns, crush injuries, loss of consciousness from a head injury or asphyxia, any other injury that requires hospital admittance for more that 24 hours (see full list at Reportable incidents – RIDDOR – HSE)

Over seven days incapacitation – injuries must be reported if these result in an employee or self-employed person being absent from work or they are unable to perform normal duties, for more than seven consecutive days.

Over-three-day incapacitation – Accidents must still be RECORDED but not RIDDOR reported if a worker is incapacitated for more than 3 consecutive days.

Non-fatal accidents to non-workers – such as members of the public, that result in an injury and they are taken from the scene to a hospital needs to be reported.

Occupational Diseases – where any of the specified diseases have been caused by work or exasperated by work, they must be reported.

Dangerous occurrences – These include incidents that could have caused injury or death. E.g., collapse of lifting equipment, equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines or release of toxic substances.

Gas incidents – distributors, fillers, importers and suppliers of flammable gas must report incidents when someone has died, lost consciousness, or been taken to hospital for treatment to an injury in connection with that gas. Registered gas engineers must provide details of any gas appliances or fittings that could cause any of the above.

Who should report a RIDDOR incident?

‘Responsible persons’ whether that be the employer, self-employed or people responsible for the premises should submit the online report to RIDDOR.

How do I report a RIDDOR incident?

‘Responsible persons’ should complete the appropriate form relevant to the incident online, via How to make a RIDDOR report – RIDDOR – HSE

When do I need to submit the report?

Relevant injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences must be reported by the quickest practicable means without delay and a report sent in an approved manner within 10 days of the incident.

Accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation must be reported within 15 days of the incident.

Cases of occupational disease should be reported as soon as they are diagnosed.

What happens Next?

If the incident resulted in a serious injury or death, then the HSE will investigate further. For less  serious incidents, they may monitor and review your Health and Safety procedures and training. They may still ask to see records of risk assessments, health and safety policy and see how you record incidents and near misses.

It is a good idea to review your polices and procedures, to see if this could have been foreseen.

Evidence of reporting for compliance

We have extensive experience of working with major insurers so we are acutely aware of the importance of preventing incidents in the first place. But if they occur, you need to collate the critical information quickly and easily.

Safetybox makes it easy for you to capture the correct details immediately following an incident, including supporting evidence such as witness statements, photos, videos and CCTV footage. In the event of a RIDDOR reportable incident, key managers will also be alerted automatically.

SafetyBox stores all your important information, to the cloud-based portal so that you know it is securely in one place. It can be accessed anytime if it is required to defend insurance claims or demonstrate legal compliance to the HSE.

If you would like to learn more about SafetyBox please visit www.safetybox.io